Our Toolbox are now accessible for our PCA contractors by clicking the button above. These documents, which can be used at your company safety training meetings are provided to you as a free and exclusive "Premium Contractor Advantage" by our association's safety consultant, Roger Paveza, President of Vista Safety Consulting, LLC. Past editions (2017-2019) along with general industry topics can be downloaded here.
BUREAU, COOK (SUBURBAN AND THE CITY OF CHICAGO), DEKALB, DUPAGE, GRUNDY, IROQUOIS, KANE, KANKAKEE, KENDALL, LAKE, LASALLE, LIVINGSTON, MARSHALL, MCHENRY, PUTNAM, WILL AND WOODFORD COUNTIES. The Plumbing Contractors Association of Greater Chicago (PCA) has once again produced its "one-of-a-kind" Regional Code Book featuring PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL CODE, and key contact information for over 300 municipalities. Ask almost any PCA contractor and they'll tell you it is clearly one of the best values offered by any contractor association! The 2019-20 edition is a completely updated and revised REGIONAL CODE BOOK (which now includes Chicago and unincorporated Cook County codes) and is offered as a Premium Contractor Advantage benefit exclusively available to PCA contractors (at no cost), as well as local municipal inspectors working in our jurisdiction. If you recall, previous editions were only available on CD or hard copy. This year, however, the PCA decided to utilize a more efficient route by having the codebook accessible online. The information gathered from respective building department personnel that make up our Regional Code Book includes:
While searching this site, please note that each municipality has a separate “.PDF” file of its plumbing, electrical and mechanical information for access and download, as well as an “online flipbook” version to easily view all of the “.PDF” files at once. Make sure to bookmark this page or add a shortcut on your office staff computers, tablets, and smartphones to save time in the future. In addition, please contact any inspectors or municipalities if there is missing information and urge them to complete and return the online codebook form to the PCA. Once again, only PCA contractors and local municipal inspectors working in our jurisdiction will be granted full access to these documents each time they log-in on our website. If you have any questions about this Premium Contractor Advantage or your individual PCA membership, contact PCA Executive Director S.J. Peters at 312-563-9526 or e-mail him at [email protected]. Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate and up-to-date. The PCA is not responsible for any omissions, errors, or revisions. If additional information is needed, please contact the municipality directly. This document is strictly private, confidential, and personal to its recipients and should not be copied, distributed, or reproduced in whole or in part, nor passed to any third party. Doing so will result in legal action against the offender. |
The PCA “Health & Safety Manual” is available exclusively to all PCA contractors at no cost. The 2019-2020 revised document compiled by PCA safety consultant Roger Paveza, President of Vista Safety Consulting, LLC, features interactive functionality; embedded third-party links; industrywide Safety Data Sheets; Health & Safety Toolbox Talks; and additional OSHA safe work practice policies including “Written Exposure Control Plans” for working with silica. PCA contractors must be registered on our website in order to view and customize the manual. Upon accepting the document disclaimer, users can universally insert their company name and official signature on all related forms and documents contained throughout the various sections. The finalized manual can then be used as a personalized operational and procedural health and safety guide to serve several vital purposes including as a compliance document; a day-to-day reference; a new hire orientation; and an overall commitment to safety. Many long hours, hard work, and PCA resources have been devoted to ensuring that this manual addresses the many issues that are relevant to our Association signatory contractors’ operations and/or exposures. It therefore includes a copyright marking on all pages. Sharing or reprinting of the manual to any parties outside of the PCA is strictly prohibited. Doing so will result in a copyright infringement and a direct violation of our membership “Code of Conduct” and thus would be subject to disciplinary action. The PCA, like all of our affiliated contractors, takes the issue of health and safety very seriously. We hope that you will use this manual’s “best practice” procedures in an effort to exceed the expectations of all local, state, and federal regulation bodies. Of course, our ultimate goal through the publication of this manual is to ensure the personal safety of each and every one of your employees on the job. Customizing the Health & Safety Manual This Health & Safety Manual is organized into five primary sections: (1) Administration; (2) Safe Work Practices; (3) Forms; (4) Safety Data Sheets (SDSs); and (5) Health & Safety Toolbox Talks. As this manual is in electronic form, it can be customized by with a few quick steps:
We are proud to provide this “Health & Safety Manual” as an “extra” value to belonging to our Association and being affiliated through our CBA with the Plumbing Council. If there are any sections that you would personally like to see added to this document in the future, please let us know. Also, feel free to contact our office anytime if you have a safety related question. We will do our best to answer it or connect you with our safety consultant for individual advice. Remember, we are always here to serve you and help your businesses prosper. |
The Plumbing Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
900 Jorie Blvd., Suite 195
Oak Brook, IL 60523 (312) 563-9526 (800) 76-VALVE |